Why should I recycle? Recycling the motor oil from your car, truck, motorcycle, boat, RV, or lawnmower is one way that you can demonstrate your commitment to protect the environment for future generations while conserving energy resources.
What are the benefits of recycling? Recycling keeps used motor oil from rivers, streams, or lakes. It also keeps oil out of our ground water supplies which can affect your drinking water. Recycling oil saves energy and a valuable resource.
Where do I drop off my used motor oil? Most service stations, repair facilities, and quick lubes will accept used oil without charge. Check with your local government or recycling coordinator for procedures and collection services in your area. A good source for local collection center information is Earth 911, which identifies collection centers in your area by zip code.
What is recycled motor oil used for? Used motor oil can be reprocessed into fuel that can be used in furnaces for heat, or in power plants to generate electricity for homes, schools and businesses. It can also be used in industrial and utility boilers, blended for marine fuels, and other uses. Used motor oil can also be re-refined into lubricating oils that meet the same API specifications as virgin motor oil.
Where can I buy re-refined oil? Contact your automotive suppliers or local retailers and ask if they carry re-refined oil.
Is used oil considered a hazardous waste? The federal government does not consider used oil that is destined for recycling a hazardous waste. There are three states, however, that have classified used oil as a hazardous waste (CA, MA, and RI). These three states require special handling for used oil. In all other states, used oil is handled like a typical household hazardous waste such as paint, stains, varnishes, pesticides, and many cleaning products.
What is the best way to store used motor oil before recycling? Be sure to store your used motor oil in a container that will not leak - many people use milk jugs with a secure cap. Do not mix other substances like antifreeze or transmission fluid with the used oil. Store it away from children and sources of ignition.
What happens if I don't recycle? Improperly disposed used oil can end up in landfills, sewers, back yards, or storm drains. In all of these cases, soil, groundwater and even drinking water may be contaminated. Used oil poured down your sewer line can damage your community's water treatment system - contaminating your drinking water and costing you money. In most areas improper disposal of used oil is a crime.
E nvironmental, Recycling, Educational and Informational websites
Earth 911
Cal Oil
Recycler's World
Keep American Beautiful
Resource Recycling Systems
America Recycles Day
Used Oil Management
EPA Recycle Center